Injury Assessment Services

Acute Physiotherapy Assessment
The assessment involves a review of the acute injury and implementation of appropriate evidence-based interventions.
The assessment will:
- Assist in a prompt diagnosis
- Review the appropriateness of or guide medical certification
- Provide recommendations regarding specialist or investigative/ imaging referral
- Gain an understanding of critical job demands required for resumption of pre-injury duties
- Provide information regarding injury recovery, reassurance and prompt resumption of all activities
- Immediate establishment of workplace and home self management strategies
- Early screening for psychosocial and environmental barriers to the RTW process
Physiotherapy treatment is generally only advocated in the first 6 weeks following which time the worker is transferred into a program stream depending on the level of associated factors. A same day initial appointment and report guarantee is provided to our key customers
Exercise Physiology Assessment
Where clear activity upgrading approaches are required direct progression to an Exercise Physiology initial assessment can be undertaken.
Musculo-skeletal Assessment
Recommended for workers between 3-26 weeks post injury when strong signs of recovery are not evident, minimal upgrade of the Certificate of Capacity has occurred and modest-moderate psychosocial barriers are suspected or have been identified.
Multidisciplinary Pain Assessment
Recommended for workers from 26 weeks onwards when significant psychosocial barriers appear to be impeding the upgrading of activity tolerances and resumption of work duties. The assessment involves a two hour assessment by a Clinical Psychologist and a Physiotherapist.

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Optimising well-being and productivity
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